- On Windows NT systems,
to prevent a "system32" Windows Explorer window from appearing when Windows
starts up:
- Launch the Windows
Registry Editor (regedit.exe).
- Open this registry
key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
- If the (Default) Name
variable has a value of "" (an empty string), delete the Name variable.
After the deletion, the value for (Default) should be "(value not set)".
- Messenger sometimes
quits when new folders are subscribed to with SSL. This problem apparently
occurs only when you automatically subscribe to all your folders on the server.
To avoid it, manually choose the folders to which you wish to subscribe.
- If you are downloading
a large file and you click Cancel, Communicator may quit.
- If you send an email
message and attach a web page that contains frames, the recipient will receive
the message, but with a blank attachment.
Quality Feedback Agent
and Automatic Proxy Configuration (Windows only)
- If you are using automatic
proxy configuration, and you want to use the Full Circle Talkback Quality
Feedback Agent to send incident reports to Netscape, you need to replace the
talkback.ini file with one that contains the appropriate proxy configuration
1. If you are using an
HTTP proxy, or both an HTTP and SOCKS proxy, create a file named talkback.ini,
containing these three lines, using your proxy host name, domain, and port:
- UseUserHTTPProxyInfo=1
- UserHTTPProxyHost="yourproxy.yourdomain.com"
- UserHTTPProxyPort=xxxx [your proxy port
If you are using a SOCKS
Proxy, create a file with these three lines:
- UseUserSOCKSInfo=1
- UserSOCKSHost="yourproxy.yourdomain.com"
- UserSOCKSPort=xxxx [your SOCKS port number]
2. Replace the existing talkback.ini
file with the version you created.
On Windows 95 and Windows
NT systems, copy the talkback.ini file to this location, in the directory
that contains the Netscape.exe file: \Netscape\Communicator4.78\talkback.ini.
Palm Synchronization
(Windows only)
- Upgrading to the Palm
OS 3.0 may cause problems with Netscape Calendar Sync. You may have to check
your connection settings for Netscape Calendar Sync after installing Palm
OS 3.0.
- Back-up your Palm-compatible
address book before using Address Book synchronization.
- These are issues to
be aware of when you synchronize the Palm address book with the Netscape Address
- If there are multiple
lines in Palm fields (not including address and notes) Communicator converts
those entries to a single line separated by commas.
- Communicator does
not automatically synchronize Palm custom fields. For more information on
how to map fields between Palm and the Netscape address book fields, see
the Palm Synchronization Read Me.
- To synchronize with
a directory that is synchronized offline, set Communicator to Offline.
- To work with mail
synchronization, we recommend that you send mail from Palm.
- AOL Instant Messenger
3.0 is bundled with Communicator 4.78. If you are running OS 8.5 or above,
you can upgrade to AIM4.x by going to http://www.aol.com/aim and following
the instructions.
- To optimize plug-in
loading time, move any read-me files that may be installed in the plug-ins
folder to another folder on your hard disk.
- On Mac OS systems: If
you are using a 3.0x version of Navigator and want to transfer your preferences
automatically to Communicator 4.78, you need to run NSMacPrefs. First, install
Communicator 4.78 and run it once. Then, download
and run the NSMacPrefs utility.
- Mac OS 7.6.1 or greater
is required to run Communicator 4.78. For current Apple Mac OS software, see
These are the recommended minimum system hardware configurations:
- RAM requirements for
Mac OS 7.6.1: 16MB physical RAM. For Mac OS 8.0 or greater: 24MB physical
- Before you install Communicator,
make sure that your hard disk names do not include the slash (/) character.
Account Setup won't run if any of your hard disk names include the slash (/)
- When uploading a file
using ftp, Communicator only sends the data fork of the file. If you want
to upload a Macintosh file that has a resource fork, convert the file to BinHex
or MacBinary first.
- Folder aliases are not
supported. You can drag a folder to an ftp directory window for upload but
only aliases to files are resolved before they are uploaded.
- When dragging a folder
to upload, the directory hierarchy of the folder is not maintained. All files
contained in the dragged folder, even those in subfolders, are uploaded to
the directory you are logged into.
- Older versions of Norton
CrashGuard are incompatible with Communicator 4.7 and may cause your system
to freeze or quit.
- If you see errors or
problems while running plug-ins, Communicator may be low on memory. To provide
Communicator with more memory, quit Communicator. Then, select the Netscape
Communicator application icon, and choose Get Info from the File menu. Increase
Communicator's Preferred Size by at least 1000. (If you're running Mac OS
8.5 or later, choose Memory from the Show pop-up menu to change the memory
- If you use RealPlayer
with Communicator 4.78, be sure to keep the Communicator memory setting at
or above the default preferred size: 8192K with virtual memory turned on.
Reducing this memory setting may cause your system to quit when you use Real
Player. For more information, see the Real Player site at http://www.real.com/help/index.html
for documentation regarding recommended memory requirements.
- If you have Adobe Type
Manager installed, Communicator sometimes quits after you use the Font Preferences
panel or pop-up menus on some systems.
- Versions of Speed Doubler
up to and including 1.0.1 are incompatible with Navigator and Communicator.
Some disk cache operations may cause b-tree corruption on your hard drive.
To correct this problem, download the latest version of Speed Doubler from
the Connectix site: http://www.connectix.com
- If you choose the "Go
Offline" command and you see a dialog box that says, "The command could not
be completed, because you have not set up your server preferences. Would you
like to set up those preferences now?", select "OK" and enter a generic user
and server name in the preference panel.
- If you see an error
message that says, "A Communications error has occurred" (or "Communications
exception"), and you are using a disk-compression program such as StuffIt
SpaceSaver, try disabling the disk-compression program to fix the problem.
- Solaris 2.6 only: Solaris
2.6/OpenWindows Communicator 4.0x does not render fonts properly. OpenWindows
3.6 patch 105633-05 fixes this problem, and is available from http://sunsolve.sun.com.
Alternatively, you can add the following lines
to your $HOME/.xinitrc file:
xset +fp /usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/
xset fp rehash
CDE users on 2.6 will need to add the first of
the two lines above to their HOME/.dt/sessions/session etc (be sure the permissions
on this file are 755). Exit Communicator and then restart.
- Linux only: Using the
Insert Link command (or the Link button) in Composer or when composing HTML
messages may cause Communicator to crash. The workaround is to create a link
by simply typing the complete text of the URL (for example, type "http://www.netscape.com").
URLs entered as text are still displayed as links in the body of a mail message;
in Composer, the text is converted to anchor tags.
Alternatively, you may want to upgrade to XFree86 4.0 or 3.3.7 when they
are available. These versions include a fix in XLib that eliminate the crash
problem. Or, you can set an environment variable:
An example for bourne shell users is:
- On Linux/UNIX systems
you may see the message "Can't convert string 'false' to type boolean" after
launching Communicator from the terminal or console window. To suppress this
- Delete all white
spaces at the end of strings in ~/.Xresources.
- From the command
line type "xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources".
- The DirectColor visual
class is no longer supported. If you specify a DirectColor visual with the
-visual argument, or connect to an X server
which implements DirectColor as the default visual class, Communicator uses
a TrueColor visual instead.
- If you register a mime
handler for 'application/x-javascript,' errors occur when you attempt to display
pages that have that mime type. For example, if you use the Navigator Applications
preference to add a new mimetype for 'application/x-javascript,' then choose
Save To Disk, a core dump error occurs when you display pages containing that
mime type.
- The Linux 2.0 version
of Communicator is linked against libc 5.4.22, libm 5.0.8, and XFree86 3.2.
- The Linux 2.0 glibc
version of Communicator is linked against glibc 2.0.7 and XFree86 3.3.1
- If this is the very
first time you've run any version of Communicator on your system, start Communicator,
then exit, then start Communicator again before you use Messenger to access
your mail. If you attempt to use Messenger the very first time you run Communicator,
it may quit with an "Illegal instruction" message.
- If you are using IMAP
mail and would like your Sent, Templates, or Drafts folders to be located
on your IMAP server, first create the folder on the server, then use Communicator
Preferences to specify that you want Sent, Templates, or Drafts folders to
be kept on the IMAP server.
- To copy messages from
one IMAP server to another, use the File toolbar button. You cannot drag and
drop of messages from one IMAP server to another.
- If you delete your only
IMAP server and then add a POP server, Communicator may quit.
- In the Help window:
The Index "Look for" field is small and it might be difficult to read; however,
when you type a word and press Enter, matching topics do appear. You can also
scroll through the index entries.
- If you receive Motif
warnings that appear as dialog boxes, you can send those warnings to the command
line instead by adding these lines to the file ~/.Xresources:
- You should set the CLASSPATH
environment variable only if you need to install special Java files in Communicator.
Communicator uses CLASSPATH to
find local .class files. If CLASSPATH
is set in the user's environment, only the .jar files and directories specified
in the CLASSPATH are searched.
If you set your CLASSPATH variable,
you need to make sure that each .jar file in $MOZILLA_HOME/java/classes
is listed individually in your CLASSPATH.
- A previous workaround
for UNIX systems, to avoid the freezing on startup of the edit or compose
window, has been changed. If you previously set editor.disable_spell_checker
in the preferences.js file, you can now implement the improved fix by deleting
this line from the preferences.js file:
user_pref("editor.disable_spell_checker", true);
Replace it with this line:
user_pref("editor.dont_lock_spell_files", true)
This preference setting
prevents the spell checker from locking files over NFS, thereby preventing
the window freezing problem.
- If Communicator exhibits
consistent problems on pages containing JavaScript, check your ~/.mailcap
file, and remove this line if it is in that file:
- Communicator does not
heed the TMPDIR environment variable when creating temporary files.
- In order to create an
IMAP container folder on servers that do not support folders containing both
messages and subfolders, the folder should be created with a trailing slash,
e.g., "toplevel/".
- AIX systems: Some pages
and windows may not display correctly the first time you run Communicator.
Restarting Communicator corrects this problem.
- HP-UX systems: To export
security certificates:
- Enter the certificate
- In the Filter field
that appears in the File dialog box, delete the "*" (asterisk) and press
Enter. The File Name field at the bottom of the dialog box now shows just
the directory path, without the file name.
- Enter the File Name
and press OK to export the certificate.
- Communicator currently
does not support Hebrew to Unicode conversion. This may cause "???" characters
to be displayed instead of valid characters in JavaScript. Communicator 4.61
with Arabic/Hebrew support is available for download from IBM at http://www6.software.ibm.com/dl/netscape3/bidi-p.
- Global IME support:
users of Windows 95, 98 and NT 4.0 can now download
Global IME modules that enable input of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters
into mail messages and web forms. For more information on using Global IME
under Communicator, choose International Users from the Help menu.
- Users of Korean Windows
95 and 98: A problem with erratic behavior in non-HTML text editing fields
was reported for 4.72 and 4.73 when global IMEs for Chinese and/or Japanese
were installed. This problem has been fixed in 4.75. For more information
on the status of global IME support in Communicator, please see http://home.netscape.com/eng/intl/gimesupport.html.
- On Windows 2000, Korean
IMEs (including Korean global IMEs in other Windows 2000 languages) may
not work well.
- Windows 2000 users
do not need Global IMEs since it comes with its own improved CJK IMEs. Use
the fonts and IMEs available on the installation CD instead.
- If you're running
Windows 98, just select the Windows Update icon in the Start menu. From
there, select Product Updates, and download the language support and IMEs
you wish to use.
- vCards (Personal Cards):
if you usually attach vCards that contain 8-bit characters (e.g., Western
accented characters, Chinese, Japanese, Korean) to your outgoing mail messages,
we strongly recommend that you follow these suggestions when creating your
- Place the information
for the Address, City, State, Zip Code and Country fields into the Address
field (on the Contact tab) separated by either a carriage return (for Chinese,
Japanese, Korean characters) or a space (for Western/accented characters),
- Insert an ASCII character
at the beginning of each field (e.g., "+" or "-"), except the Address field.
- Iso 8859-15 charset
support has been added to Xterm in order to provide euro support for UNIX.
This charset support currently is not available on Windows and Mac OS.
- Some email sender applications
use "UNKNOWN" as the charset name in the MIME2-encoded subject field. In such
cases, Communicator uses the global default (which is set by View->Character
Set->Set Default Character Set) as a reasonable guess.
- If you are using a profile
created in a previous version of Communicator (that is, earlier than 4.5),
you need to overwrite the old preference settings with the correct ones. To
correct the preference settings:
- From the Edit menu,
choose Preferences.
- Under the Navigator
category, select Languages.
- Either confirm that
all the selections in the right pane are correct, or delete and re-enter
- Click OK.
- When using the User
Profile Manager to create a new profile, some Japanese characters that you
enter in the Profile Name field of the "Choose a Name and Directory for Your
Profile" dialog box don't appear correctly in the directory. To correct the
directory entry, delete the directory name and manually type the correct Japanese
- When copying DBCS text
from Communicator to other applications under Windows NT, some characters
not in the common cross-platform (Windows, Macintosh, UNIX) codepoints can
become corrupted.
- Some characters may
not display correctly when using certain Microsoft fonts. Communicator uses
the Unicode
1.1 Shift-JIS encoding, whereas the Microsoft fonts may use different
encoding. To avoid the problem of incorrect character displays, use a non-Microsoft
Unicode font, such as Bitstream's Cyberbit.