Last updated: April 22, 1999; previous update March 19, 1999
[These notes are updated as we receive feedback, so please check back for new information. "#" indicates new information in this version of the release notes.]

These release notes describe installation issues and known problems in Communicator 4.51. Contents include:

For an overview of the new features provided by Communicator 4.5, see the Tour of New Features. For release notes on Mission Control Desktop tools and technology, see Mission Control Desktop 4.5.

What's New in Version 4.51

Before You Install

General Issues Roaming Access

Mail, Address Books, and Pinpoint Addressing

Navigator International


Palm-Compatible Synchronization Tools (Windows Only)

Mac OS

  Java and JavaScript Unix

Installing the Quality Feedback Agent

If you installed Communicator 4.51 for the first time, or if you removed a previous installation of Communicator 4.5 before installing Communicator 4.51, the Full Circle Talkback Quality Feedback Agent needs to be installed separately.

If you want to use the Full Circle Talkback Quality Feedback Agent to send incident reports to Netscape, you need to download it from and follow the installation instructions provided with Talkback.

Using the Quality Feedback Agent with Automatic Proxy Configuration

If you are using automatic proxy configuration, and you want to use the Full Circle Talkback Quality Feedback Agent to send incident reports to Netscape, you need to replace the talkback.ini file with one that contains the appropriate proxy configuration information:
1.  If you are using an HTTP proxy, or both an HTTP and SOCKS proxy, create a file named talkback.ini, containing  these three lines, using your proxy host name, domain, and port:
UserHTTPProxyPort=xxxx [your proxy port number]
   If you are using a SOCKS Proxy, create a file with these three lines:
UserSOCKSPort=xxxx [your SOCKS port number]