Welcome to Netscape Communicator for Windows
These are the current release notes for Netscape Communicator for all Windows
platforms. You can access these release notes from the Help menu in Communicator.
Please ignore any release notes that might have been previously installed
on your system.
Netscape recommends that users of Communicator Standard and Professional
editions download Communicator
4.07. You can find out what version of Communicator you are running
by choosing About Communicator from the Help menu.
If you are using Netscape Communicator Professional Edition (which includes
Netscape Calendar, IBM Host On-Demand, and AutoAdmin) please read the information
contained in these notes. In addition, you can click here
to view the release notes specifically for Professional Edition.
These release notes include:
problems and bugs - please tell us about bugs you find.
Additional information is available:
What's New
Communicator 4.07 includes all the new features and enhancements of 4.06,
listed below, plus a fix for the recently-discovered privacy
Smart Browsing's new What's Related icon for finding sites that are similar
or connected to the site you are currently on.
Smart Browsing's new Internet Keywords capability for finding sites based
on search words you type in the location toolbar field.
NetWatch menu item supporting PICS for filtering inappropriate content.
Macromedia's Flash plug-in.
New preference to clear the drop-down location bar history.
Java and JavaScript
Integrated support for enhanced JDK 1.1 including AWT 1.1.5, JNI,New Event
Model, JDBC, Java Beans support, and printing support for applets.
JavaScript console and ECMA compliance.
Specifying a non-existing or bad printer as your default printer prevents
Navigator or the Navigator installer from starting. Making that printer
not the default fixes the problem.
Using X-Mouse with Win98 causes problems with the bookmarks drop-down menu.
If X-Mouse must be installed, the workaround is to use the keyboard to
move around in the bookmarks window.
When a page is refreshed by the Reload button or a meta tag, the actual
last-modified field of an image is not being compared. Sites such as those
with webcams can force a refresh by adding:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
If you are running Netscape Communicator on Windows NT 3.51 using a Matrox
Millennium graphics driver, an application error may occur when viewing
HTML pages. Obtain an updated version of the driver (version 2.25 or later).
Transparency does not function correctly. If an image has a background
chunk, it will be visible in transparent areas and the page background
will not show through. To turn on background image printing, choose Page
Setup from the File menu and enable the Print Backgrounds option.
Binary files are saved by default as HTML files when saving from an FTP
server in Navigator.
If a system halt related to the Kernel32.dll occurs, update the kernel.
You can obtain the update from http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q148/3/36.asp.
This may correct the problem.
In a frame document, only the activated frame is printed, because only
one frame can be printed at a time. To activate a frame, click on it.
The paddings property of Style Sheets is not supported. Use topPadding,
rightPadding, bottomPadding, and leftPadding instead.
The margins property of Style Sheets is not supported. Use leftMargin,
rightMargin, and bottomMargin instead.
Width, height, and border tags for images in Style Sheets are not enabled.
Under certain circumstances in a table cell, the EMBED tag parameter ALIGN=RIGHT
causes the plugin not to be loaded or displayed. As a workaround, insert
the ALIGN=RIGHT parameter in the table column and/or row descriptors.
Win16 only AOL Instant Messenger will not launch the first time
you try to open it by clicking the AIM button on the personal toolbar.
It will work the second time you click the button. The same error will
repeat every time you open Communicator.
Win16 onlyBrowser crashes when you trigger a forced and unconditional
SmartUpdate JAR in awt1640.dll.
Java and JavaScript
JavaScript 1.3 contains an ECMA-compliant fix regarding assignments such
that if (a=b) is no longer interpreted as if (a==b).
You can update the code or, if you want the old behavior, specify <script
If you are using an applet that uses RMI callbacks, you must call netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege("UniversalConnect")
before the your first call into the RMI runtime.
Communicator uses the CLASSPATH environment to find local .class files.
If CLASSPATH is set in the user's environment, only the .jar files and
directories specified in the CLASSPATH are searched. If you set your CLASSPATH,
you need to make sure that all the .jar files in $MOZILLA_HOME/java/classes
are in your CLASSPATH.
A canvas or panel object will get the focus when you click on it.
The Color(int, int, int) constructor does not throw an exception
when color values are outside of the range 0..255.
Communicator does not support getResource() from a jar file due
to security issues. We suggest that developers use getResourceAsStream()
Reflection API can only access information about the classes' public fields
and methods.
Due to a semantics change of the ARCHIVE tag, all the applets loaded from
the same codebase now share the classloader (they used to each get a separate
one if different archives were specified). So, if there is a name
clash for a class in two different archives, the first one the classloader
finds will be loaded.
Thread.interrupt() is not implemented.
By default, applet start and stop methods are not called when the Communicator/Navigator
window is iconified. This behavior can be modified by adding the following
line to your prefs.js file: user_pref("java.applets.stop_on_iconify",
Dialog box class implementation in JDK 1.1 is not backward compatible with
JDK 1.0.2, so user classes that derive from java.awt.Dialog must be recompiled
using a JDK 1.1 compiler.
Inner classes currently cannot access private members of the enclosing
Windows 95 and Windows 3.1 users: It is strongly recommended that you avoid
adding images larger than 1 MB to the Composer window. Doing so may cause
Communicator to halt.
If you encounter a general protection fault in msvcrt.dll when
sending a message, exit Communicator. This is caused by a .tmp
file Windows limitation. See your system administrator or equivalent about
removing these .tmp files from the Windows temp folder. Afterwards,
you can send messages from Communicator.
If a system halt occurs when invoking the Compose window, rename the address
book file (abook.nab) located in the Program Files\Netscape\Users\<username>
A message saved as plain text (with a .txt extension) will be converted
into plain text instead of in original MIME format. If you save the message
to an existing file, the existing file will be replaced instead of having
the message appended to it.
If you get an error regarding expired certificates when sending/receiving
signed or encrypted mail, please go to http://www.verisign.com/update/faq/index.html
to update your certificate.
If you make changes to the Advanced S/MIME Cipher Preferences in the Messenger
tab of the Security Advisor dialog box, you must communicate these changes
to people that you exchange encrypted mail with. To update their Certificate
database information about you, send them a signed message. If you send
only encrypted messages, they will not be aware of your preference changes.
The file format for certificate import and export has changed between Communicator
4.03 and 4.04 due to the standardization of PKCS 12. Communicator 4.04
and newer imports certificates exported with older versions of Communicator.
However, older versions of Communicator will not be able to import files
exported with Communicator 4.04 or newer.
When downloading a user certificate, you will be able to save the certificate
for backup purposes. If the certificate chain does not yet exist on the
user's machine, the certificate will be exported without the certificate
chain. In this case, it is highly recommended that you save the certificate
after retrieving the certificate chain by going into the Security Advisor,
selecting Your Certificates and exporting the desired certificate.
In 8-bit (256 color mode), you might experience color pallete problems
while loading some plug-ins in Communicator. If this happens, minimize
and then restore the window, or open a new Navigator window from the "File"
menu to fix this. Running Windows in 16-bit (high color) mode will completely
eliminate this problem.
Sound files greater than 6MB are not supported in the 16 bit version and
may not play back properly.
Plug-ins installed in versions of Navigator prior to 4.0 are not automatically
transferred to Communicator. Furthermore, for plug-ins to be automatically
transferred from a prior 4.0x installation, the new version of Communicator
must be installed into the same directory as the version from which you
are upgrading. (If you install into a different directory, your plug-ins
must be re-installed.)
Java and JavaScript must be enabled to run Netcaster.
It is recommended that you select the Go Offline option from the File Menu
before viewing sites offline.
The order of the channels in the selector may change after exiting Netcaster.
The Automatically Load Images preference (Preferences, Advanced from the
Edit menu) should be checked.
If you specify an invalid URL when adding a channel, the channel is added
under My Channels, but does not appear when you select it. A green light
may also appear; ignore this light.
If you change a webtop to a channel in Channel Properties, the webtop remains
on your screen. Close the webtop and when you select it again in My Channels,
it appears as a channel in a Navigator window.
If you change your Communicator preferences, such as color or font, while
Netcaster is open, a system halt may occur. Change your Communicator preferences
before starting Netcaster.
The buttons in the Netcaster window may disappear depending on the font
you select.
Select a channel before modifying any security information in the Options
Your channel settings may not be preserved if Communicator terminates abnormally.
If you change your screen's resolution while Netcaster is running, the
Netcaster window may no longer be visible.
The display and cache size of the Castanet channels cannot be modified.
If you add a Castanet channel by specifying its IP address and then access
the channel again by specifying its DNS name, Netcaster will attempt to
resubscribe to the channel.
Unless you specifically use the Update Now command to update a channel,
at most, two channels will update at the same time.
Some of the channel preferences may not be visible until you restart Netcaster.
If you add two channels with the same name, an error may occur.
You cannot move a webtop, as indicated in the Netcaster NetHelp.
Web Publisher
The Web Publisher shipping with Enterprise Server 3.0 will need to be upgraded
to work with Communicator 4.06 and higher. If the Web Publisher does not
start correctly with Communicator, please contact your Enterprise Server
administrator to install the new Web Publisher. To download this patch,
please go to http://help.netscape.com/filelib.html.