Welcome to Netscape Communicator for Windows

These are the current release notes for Netscape Communicator for all Windows platforms. You can access these release notes from the Help menu in Communicator. Please ignore any release notes that might have been previously installed on your system.

Netscape recommends that users of Communicator Standard and Professional editions download Communicator 4.05. You can find out what version of Communicator you are running by choosing About Communicator from the Help menu.

If you are using Netscape Communicator Professional Edition (which includes Netscape Calendar, IBM Host On-Demand, and AutoAdmin) please read the information contained in these notes. In addition, you can click here to view the release notes specifically for Professional Edition.

These release notes include: Unknown problems and bugs - please tell us about bugs you find.

Additional information is available:

What's New in 4.05

Communicator 4.05 contains a fix for the Preferences bug, which can allow malicious Web site operators to guess the full pathname to the Communicator prefs.js file to read prefs.js from visiting users' hard disk through an obscure series of steps. For more information on this bug, please go to http://home.netscape.com/assist/security/content_content.html.

The Communicator 4.05 maintenance release also includes these new features:

Navigator and Composer

Messenger and Collabra (Mail and News) Cosmo Player 2.0 General enhancements in the 4.05 release include:

Navigator and Composer

Java and JavaScript Netcaster Messenger and Collabra (Mail and News) AOL Instant Messenger









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