*** CoolTalk expires July 15, 1996 ***
*** Live3D expires July 15, 1996 ***
These release notes cover:
Other Information:
One Color |
Another Color |
The bgcolor tag specifies one of the supported color names and can be used with the following tags: table, td, th, and tr.
Here's the HTML that produced the table on
the right.
One Color |
Another Color |
Javascript currently has a global "navigator" object which contains properties for information not associated with any particular document. This object now has two additional properties: a "mimeTypes" object and a "plugins" object.
The mimeTypes object is an array of all MIME types supported by the client (either internally, via helper apps, or by plug-ins). Each element of the array is a mimeType object, which has properties for its type, description, and file extensions.
The plugins object is an array of all plug-ins currently installed on the client. Each element of the array is a plugin object, which has properties for its name and description, as well as a subarray of mimetype objects for the types supported by that plugin.
You may wish to obtain more than one personal certificate. Some web sites may request (and issue to you) a personal certificate for specific use with their site. You may also obtain more generic personal certificates that represent you for credit card transactions or other nonspecific, secure communications.
Corporate Sales: 415/937-2555; Personal Sales: 415/937-3777; Government Sales: 415/937-3678
Copyright © 1997 Netscape Communications Corporation
This site powered by Netscape SuiteSpot servers.
wdog.exe /v "path to CoolTalk executable"\cooltalk.exe
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