

You are using Netscape 2.0 Beta 6 for Windows. These release notes cover:

*** Netscape Navigator 2.0 Beta 6 expires on March 1, 1996. ***



Java Applets

Support for Java Applets:


Built-in JavaScript: Netscape Navigator now includes a built-in scripting language, called JavaScript. JavaScript development is based on the JAVA language, which extends and enhances the capability of HTML documents. JavaScript supports most of JAVA's expression syntax and basic control flow constructs, but without JAVA's strong type checking and static typing. JavaScript is embedded in HTML documents with a SCRIPT tag, and there is no compilation needed to run the script.

See the online JavaScript Documentation.

Read Mail with the Netscape Navigator

Brand new News Interface

Message Composition Window

Address Book for email addresses

New Bookmarks Feature

Better Images and Document Presentation

User Interfaces

Access Improvements

International Support

META Tag Extension for MIME Charset Info

Document Encoding User Interface

Automatic Proxy Configuration


  • Technical Background:

    Netscape Navigator uses random information to generate session encryption keys. The random information is found through a variety of functions that look into a user's machine for information. Previous releases of Netscape Navigator were subject to potential vulnerabilities because the size of random input was less than the size of the subsequent keys. This means that instead of searching through all the 2^128 possible keys by brute force, a potential intruder only had to search through a significantly smaller key space by brute force.

    Netscape Navigator 2.0 incorporates fixes to the specific portion of our software where this potential vulnerability existed. We have significantly increased the amount of random information from approximately 30 bits to approximately 300 bits. Netscape has greatly expanded the techniques and sources used to generate these amounts of random information and the fixes have been reviewed and validated by several weeks of intensive testing on the Internet.

  • Recommendations to users of Netscape who rely on the security of their transactions:


    For telnet, ftp, and for displaying audio and video, Netscape uses "Helper Applications". These applications are configured in your Preferences window. For help configuring this window, check out our documentation:
    Helper Applications

    On Windows, LVIEW31.EXE (for images), MPEGPLAY.EXE (for MPEG movies), and WHAM.EXE (for audio files) are all useful applications. One site where these can be found is, but that site is often difficult to reach. You can also try the mirror site on


    Navigator problems:

    JavaScript bugs:

    Java problems with the 32bit Navigator:

    Known bugs in International support.

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