There is a new Bookmark Preferences feature. You can tell Netscape where to add new bookmarks and pick a bookmark header to display in the bookmark menu. To access these preferences from the main browser window, choose Bookmarks/View Bookmarks, then either choose File Menu/Preferences or use the Right Mouse button from the top level bookmark header.
In the main browser window, the View Bookmarks menu item brings up a new Netscape Bookmarks window. New pulldown menus in the Netscape Bookmarks window let you insert headers and separators to produce a hierarchical bookmark file, change the name and other properties of existing bookmark items, import existing bookmark files, search forward through the titles and URLs in your bookmark file, load the URL of a bookmark in the main browser window, and edit the file using standard cut/copy/paste/delete functions.
Bookmark drag and drop was implemented. You can drag and drop items within the Netscape Bookmarks window to rearrange them. Dragging a link from the main browser window to the Netscape Bookmarks window will add it to the bookmark file. Dragging a bookmark from the Netscape Bookmarks window to the main browser window will load a URL in that window.
The 32-bit version now uses the system registry. The purpose of the registry is to incorporate all the configuration information into a registration database file for controlled access.
To manually edit the Preferences, run regedit.exe . Preferences are stored under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Netscape\Netscape Navigator .
In order to enable this multi-user settings feature in Windows 95, you need to modify your Win95's User Profile option, which locates in the Control Panel Passwords property. Make sure the second option in your User Profile, which allows users to customize preferences and desktop settings, is checked.
For Windows NT, you don't have to do anything. Each user automatically gets their own Netscape Preferences setting.
The default values for the Netscape Preferences will be the same for each user. Initially, all users will be set up to share the same bookmarks, cache, cookie, global history, newsrc and temporary directories. If you do not wish to share these files, change the Preference settings to point to your own private copies of the files. To change the location of cookie and global history files, you need to edit the Registry directly. The other files and directories can be set under the Options Menu - Preferences.
When logging in to your ftp account, Netscape will now automatically go to your home directory; instead of the root directory.
IMPORTANT: After upgrading to 1.2 it is recommended that you flush your disk cache to remove any incorrect information that may have been saved by an earlier release of the Netscape Navigator.
[Network] use Async DNS=noThe default is to use Async DNS, not using it will result in lower performance and can cause problems when multiple simultaneous connections are attempted. You can also set
[Network] Max Connections=1which will prevent problems when not using Async DNS but will also result in much slower performance.
PC-NFS from Sun and Spry's newly updated stack are the only winsocks we know of that require setting the "Async DNS" flag to "no".
Using the Properties window to remove the Name of a Bookmark or Header will remove it from the menu. Restoring the Name will restore the item to the bookmark menu.
The unsupported Mozilize utility doesn't convert hierarchical NCSA Mosaic hotlists.
On Windows, LVIEW31.EXE (for JPEG images), MPEGPLAY.EXE (for MPEG movies), and WHAM.EXE (for audio files) are all useful applications. One site where these can be found is, but that site is often difficult to reach. You can also try the mirror site on
The files you want are:
Gif/Jpeg: --------- MPEG: ----- Video for Windows (AVI) ----------------------- Audio -----
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