A number of new features were added as part of the version 1.1 product. These were based upon emerging standards and proposals. The new HTML tags are based upon the HTML 3.0 proposal. The HTTP additions are based upon discussions within the working group mailing list and the MIME standard. Netscape Communications Corporation is an active participant in all Web-related standard bodies and is a founding Full Member of the W3 Consortium. Please read our discussion of Netscape's commitment to open standards, if you're interested in more information.Please be advised, however, that since HTML 3.0 is still an evolving proposal, some of the new tags supported in Netscape 1.1b1 may change before the final Netscape 1.1 release. We will support the syntax that is agreed upon for the final HTML 3.0 specification. This could mean that some of the tags which are supported in the beta will change between now and the final release as the standard evolves.
The 32-bit version will only run on 32-bit platforms (Windows NT).
The 32-bit version will also run under Windows95. However, the October94 release of Windows95 seems to have a bug in the DDE libraries. If you edit your INI file and add:
[Main] DDE Hosed=yesDDE will not be used and Netscape should run.
In Netscape 1.0, when you asked for a document already in your cache, Netscape would always contact the original document server and ask for the document's header information, for comparison. This affected the performance of the cache. In 1.1, you can control this through the Cache preference: Verify Documents. If you set this to "Every Time", you will have the same behavior as in Netscape 1.0. "Once per session" means that the document is only checked the first time you use it in a particular Netscape session. "Upon Expiration" means that the server is contacted only if the document's header information indicates that it has expired. For the best cache performance, use "Once per session".
[Netscape] ini=section for the location of the INI file. If this does not exist, Netscape will look in the directory where it was run for the INI file.
Japanese text does not normally include "white space" (e.g., spaces and tabs), so Netscape 1.1 wraps lines at Japanese character boundaries when laying out HTML text files in Japanese.
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 or Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-2022-jp
The charset names recognized by Netscape 1.1 are specified in RFC 1700 (except for the names that begin with "x-"). These include:
Netscape also supports aliases for us-ascii:
ansi_x3.4-1968, iso-ir-6, ansi_x3.4-1986, iso_646.irv:1991,
ascii, iso646-us, us, ibm367, cp367.
Netscape also supports aliases for iso_8859-1:
latin1, iso_8859-1, iso_8859-1:1987, iso-ir-100, l1,
ibm819, cp819.
To surf in Japanese on Macintosh, either KanjiTalk7 or Japanese Language Kit (on System 7) is required.
There is also a known problem with the rendering of transparent images; when a transparent image appears in a page that does not have a backdrop image, the transparent image will occasionally be shown with a "random" color at its background.
[Network] Use Async DNS=noThe default is to use Async DNS, not using it will result in lower performance and can cause problems when multiple simultaneous connections are attempted. You can also set
[Network] Max Connections=1which will prevent problems when not using Async DNS but will also result in much slower performance.
PC-NFS from Sun and Spry's newly updated stack are the only winsocks we know of that require setting the "Async DNS" flag to "no".
On Windows, LVIEW31.EXE (for JPEG images), MPEGPLAY.EXE (for MPEG movies), and WHAM.EXE (for audio files) are all useful applications. One site where these can be found is ftp://ftp.cica.indiana.edu, but that site is often difficult to reach. You can also try the mirror site on ftp://gatekeeper.dec.com/pub/micro/msdos/win3/. The files you want are:
Gif/Jpeg: --------- ftp://gatekeeper.dec.com/pub/micro/msdos/win3/desktop/lview31.zip MPEG: ----- ftp://gatekeeper.dec.com/pub/micro/msdos/win3/desktop/mpegv11d.zip ftp://gatekeeper.dec.com/pub/micro/msdos/win3/desktop/mpegw32g.zip Video for Windows (AVI) ----------------------- ftp://gatekeeper.dec.com/pub/micro/msdos/win3/desktop/avipro2.exe Audio ----- ftp://gatekeeper.dec.com/pub/micro/msdos/win3/sounds/wham131.zip