Name: KrazeeTobi
Nickname(s): Tobi, Tobison, Tobinnson, Binnson
Likes: DOOM, Sonic (especially Tails), Bluey, Mario, Pokemon, Preservation
Hi, I'm KrazeeTobi. I'm 20 and I live somewhere that any American would call the home of taxes, tea, chips, whatever. Yes, it's the UK, specifically England. I've been into Sonic since I was probably about 5 or 6? I don't recall. I had a GBA with Sonic Advance 3 if that says anything about how old I am. Anyway, I've also been a fan of DOOM since ~2016, and very recently become a fan of Bluey, approximately around November 17th, 2021. I've also been active on Roblox and Minecraft since December 2011 and May 2012 respectively.